Monday, June 26, 2023

Prevenge 2017 Full Movie Online Free

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Prevenge: A Darkly Funny Horror Film That Will Keep You on the Edge of Your Seat


As a fan of horror movies, I was excited to watch “Prevenge” and it did not disappoint. Written, directed and starring Alice Lowe, this movie is a masterpiece of black comedy infused with horror. The film is visually stunning, with an eerie soundtrack and excellent performances from the cast.



“Prevenge” follows the story of Ruth, a pregnant woman who is convinced by her unborn child to go on a killing spree. Each murder is more gruesome than the last as Ruth takes revenge against those she feels have wronged her. As the story progresses, it becomes clear that something else is driving Ruth’s actions.


Plot of Prevenge

The plot of “Prevenge” is both compelling and disturbing. We are introduced to Ruth, a seemingly normal woman who has lost her husband and now finds herself alone and pregnant. As she begins to hear voices from her unborn child urging her to commit murder, she embarks on a killing spree targeting those whom she sees as responsible for her misfortunes.


Prevenge Casts

The film stars Alice Lowe as Ruth, who also wrote and directed the film. Other cast members include Jo Hartley, Gemma Whelan and Kate Dickie.

Acting and Characters

Acting of Prevenge

The acting in “Prevenge” is excellent. Alice Lowe gives a compelling performance as Ruth, portraying her descent into madness with skill and nuance. The supporting cast is equally talented, bringing depth to their roles and making the audience care about their characters despite their flaws.


History of Prevenge

“Prevenge” was released in 2016 and received critical acclaim for its unique blend of horror and comedy. It has since become a cult classic among horror fans.

Score and Popularity

Scores And Popularity of Prevenge

The film has a score of 6.0/10 on IMDb based on over 6,000 user ratings and an 81% positive rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It may not be the most popular horror movie out there, but it has a loyal following.


Evaluation of Prevenge

The film is a unique take on the horror genre, blending black comedy with outright horror to create something truly original. The story is compelling and the acting is excellent. However, some may find the film’s dark humor and gore to be too much for their tastes.


Cinematography of Prevenge

The cinematography in “Prevenge” is excellent, with moody lighting and creative camera angles adding to the film’s eerie atmosphere. The use of color is particularly striking, with bright and bold colors used sparingly to draw attention to important moments in the story.


My Opinion About Prevenge

In my opinion, “Prevenge” is a must-watch for horror fans looking for something different from the usual fare. The film is both funny and scary, with a unique premise that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Alice Lowe’s performance as Ruth is outstanding, making her one of the most compelling anti-heroes in recent horror movie history.


Scenes from Prevenge

There are many memorable scenes in “Prevenge,” each one more shocking than the last. One standout moment features Ruth stalking her victim in a brightly lit children’s playground, contrasting the film’s bright colors with the dark subject matter.


Soundtracks of Prevenge

The film’s soundtrack is eerie and atmospheric, with haunting melodies adding to the sense of unease. The music was composed by Toydrum and is an integral part of the movie’s overall tone.


Analysis of Prevenge

“Prevenge” can be analyzed from many different angles, from its feminist themes to its exploration of mental illness and grief. The film is a rich tapestry of ideas and emotions that will leave you thinking long after the credits have rolled.


Criticism About Prevenge

The film has received some criticism for its graphic violence and dark humor. Some critics have argued that it may be too much for some viewers, particularly those who are sensitive to depictions of violence against women.


Production of Prevenge

The film was produced on a low budget, which only adds to its indie feel and gritty realism. Despite its modest budget, the production values are top-notch, with excellent makeup effects and attention to detail in every scene.


Editing of Prevenge

The film’s editing is seamless, with the pace never lagging and each scene building upon the last. The use of flashbacks and dream sequences adds to the film’s dreamlike quality, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy.


Gossips About Prevenge

One interesting piece of gossip about “Prevenge” is that Alice Lowe wrote and directed the film while pregnant herself. This adds an extra layer of meaning to the film’s exploration of motherhood and loss.

Special Effects

Special Effects of Prevenge

The special effects in “Prevenge” are impressive for a low-budget movie. Each murder is depicted with gruesome realism, from stabbings to drownings to electrocutions. The makeup effects are also top-notch, adding to the film’s overall realism.


Dialogue in Prevenge

The film’s dialogue is sharp and witty, with dark humor permeating every scene. Alice Lowe’s writing is superb, creating memorable lines that will stay with you long after the movie has ended.


Crews of Prevenge

The film was directed by Alice Lowe and produced by Jennifer Handorf. The cinematography was done by Ryan Eddleston and the music was composed by Toydrum.


In conclusion, “Prevenge” is a darkly funny horror movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The film’s unique blend of black comedy and outright horror make it a must-watch for anyone who loves the genre. Alice Lowe’s impressive triple threat performance as writer, director, and star create an unforgettable experience that is not to be missed.

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